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Christian Growth skits

The following five skits are for Christian growth. The first skit has three parts.

Road to God 
These 3 skits are intended to follow closely one-after-the-other, such as at a half-day youth function or on consecutive Sundays in a youth department, though they can be used for adult audiences also. Their purpose is to help Christians grow in their Christianity. They are based on the old Bing Crosby-Bob Hope Road pictures.

​Part 1
Cast: (the cast can be either male or female, done by teens for teens or adults for adults, but are referred to here as Bing and Bob, as in Bing Crosby and Bob Hope in the old Road pictures. Bing is the slick fast-talker, always a step or two ahead of Bob, a gullible type. But they are best friends and Bing doesn’t ever mean any harm to Bob by his schemes, though Bob is always the fall guy.)
BOB: (walking into room where BING is sitting at a desk with 4 or 5 folders in a stack) I want out!
BING: What?
BOB: I want out of this life. It’s too hard!
BING: Well, if that’s what you want…(looks through stack of folders and picks one)…here’s your file. (gets out three papers stapled together- looks at first page) Says here you accepted Christ as your Savior five years ago. Good. (looks at next page) Here’s all the sins you’ve committed. (shows it to BOB but audience can also see- page is filled with small printing with large word FORGIVEN written across it in red marker) As you can see they are all forgiven. Everything looks ok. Looks like you are cleared to go to your next life. (idly turns to the last page)
BOB: Great! I’m outta here! (starts heading for the exit)
BING: Oops, we have a problem.
BOB: (stopping and turning back) What? (as in “What is the problem?”)
BING: Not “what”…”who”.
BOB: Huh?
BING: Mr. Rosser.
BOB: Mr. Rosser my grouchy neighbor?
BING: Yep. Says here you’re the main one God is using in Rosser’s life to show love to and to pray for.
BOB: It does?
BING: (putting down the papers and adding his own “enhancements”) Why, in Rosser’s life your name is up there in lights on a big marquee…(looks up and gestures as though seeing a marquee)…linked with all the stars.
BOB: Really? (looks up too)
[use names on marquee that will connect with your audience]
BING:  Bill Gates!
BOB: (echoing) Bill Gates!
BING: Brad Pitt!
BOB: Brad Pitt!
BING: Lady Ga-Ga!
BOB: Lady Ga-! Wait, I know what you’re doing! It’s not going to work!
BING: You’re right. I’m sorry. Let me try again. Actually, your name is linked in Rosser’s life with only one other person, and it isn’t in lights. And Mr. Rosser doesn’t even know this other person…(slight pause)…yet.
BOB: Well, who is it?
BING: Jesus, the (slight pause) Light (slightly emphasize “Light”) of the World, and the Bright and Morning (slight pause) Star (slightly emphasize “Star”).
BOB: (after slight pause of looking at BING) I’m staying!
BING: (slapping BOB on back as they both exit together) That’s my boy! [ or, “That’s my girl!”]

Part 2
(This skit is meant to be a continuation of the skit “Road to God  (Part 1)”, which lays the foundation for the format and characters used in this skit. Please refer to that skit first.)
Cast: (can be male or female, done by teens for teens or adults for adults)
BOB: (walking into room where BING is sitting at a desk with 4 or 5 folders in a stack) I want out!
BING: Again?
BOB: Jane said I was ugly and smelled bad.
BING: Do you?
BOB: Do I what?
BING: Do you smell bad?
BOB: I take a shower every morning!
BING: See! She was only half right. 1 out of 2 ain’t bad.
BOB: But she shouldn’t be saying things like that. Who does she think she is?
BING: (looks through stack of folders- picks one out) Here’s her file. (takes out a paper and begins silently reading it- after a moment hands it to BOB) Here, you read it. This is who she thinks she is.
[use following topics appropriate to audience]
BOB: (reading from paper) Parents thinking of divorce…struggling with Algebra…low self esteem. (looking up and dropping paper on desk) But this isn’t who she is! She is someone Jesus died for. She is a child of the King, a part of the Bride, an overcomer of the world!
BING: I know that and you know that, but she doesn’t. That’s why she said those things to you.
BOB: Maybe I could help her see herself as she really is?
BING: Maybe.
BOB: (after slight pause looking at BING) I’m staying!
BING: (slapping BOB on back as they exit together) That’s my boy! [or, “That’s my girl!”]
Part 3
(This skit is intended to follow the skit “Road to God (Part 2)”. Please see that skit first.)
Cast: (the cast can be male or female and can be performed by teens for teens or by adults for adults)
BOB: (walking into room where BING is) I want out!
BING: Again? I meant to tell you, God told me he wants you to stay here. So you’re stuck.
BOB: What? Why did he tell you and not me?
BING: He said you weren’t available.
BOB: I know. I get kind of nervous at the thought of going to God. I mean, why would he want to see me?
BING: Hmmm…let me think. (pretends to think for a second) Oh, I don’t know, maybe because he created you, loves you, and sent his son to die for you? Tell you what, why don’t we go see him now.
BOB: What? Now? But I don’t have my suit on. I forgot to brush my teeth this morning…look (holds up arm) I’m getting duckbumps.
BING: Don’t you mean goosebumps?
BOB: No, I’m scared of geese. One bit me once.
BING: Quit stalling. Let’s go.
BOB: Ok. Which way?
BING: There. (pointing down)
BOB: Huh? Don’t you mean there? (pointing up)
BING: Just follow me. (gets on knees, lowers head, closes eyes, begins praying silently)
BOB: What if he tells me to leave because I have bad breath?
BING: He won’t.
BOB: Here I come. (gets on knees, begins to pray)
BING: Good boy! [or, “Good girl!”]

The Bride of Christ
(skit begins with LARRY (or Mary) sitting at a small table, elbow on table, chin in hand, staring at nothing, lost in thought)
(in white robe- comes up beside LARRY from offstage)
Hello, Larry.
(startled) Jesus! 
(JESUS sits down at table) I've been thinking.
I know.
I mean, a lot of thinking.
I know that, too. That's why I came.
I've been wondering...exactly who is your Bride? Am I part of the Bride?
I think it would be better if we talked about another mystery in the Bible, the relation of the church to Me, which is like the relation of a man and wife in marriage.
If that is right, then the Bride questions will take care of themselves.
Ok. I've given that a lot of thought, too.
And what have you come up with?
I need to know what the Bible says, since that is my textbook. So I have done a lot of Bible study.
That's good. What else?
I've prayed to you a lot.
And what about how you should treat others?
Definitely important! I have worked hard on that. That's a tough one.
All this you are doing is good and necessary, but there is one more thing...and it has to do with motive. You must do these things out of love for me, not duty.
To have the best marriage, it has to come from your heart (puts His hand on His heart), not your head.
I want that so much! How do you let that happen?
(standing, then LARRY stands)
Seems to me, from the fact that we are having this talk, and the kind of talk we are having...(walks to exit point, turns and looks at LARRY) it's already happening. 
(pause) I love you, Larry. 
(pause- exits)
(staring at exit point- takes a big breath and slowly lets it out) (quietly) I love you, too.

God, Our Shield and Defender
Summary: Two women discuss why it sometimes seems that God is not our "Shield and Defender"
W1- woman 1
W2- woman 2
(Skit begins with W1 and W2 center stage looking offstage as stirring verse of “A Mighty Fortress is Our God” is playing. As verse ends, women turn and interact facing audience.)
W1: “A Mighty Fortress is Our God”. That song always touches me. Did you know God protected Martin Luther again and again from being burned at the stake?
W2: I’m sorry but I can’t share your enthusiasm. Where was God when my marriage broke up? And what about those who WERE burned at the stake? And while we’re at it, what about the Christians who were killed in World War II, or the child who was molested and murdered? Was God their protector?
W1: (long pause, gives a heavy sigh) This is one of the hardest things we as Christians have to deal with. I will tell you where I am on this, though I am far from having all the answers. 
(women can sit in chairs here, or not)
The Book of Job tells of a man who suffered terrible things, WITH GOD’s PERMISSION. And the apostle Paul told of being whipped, stoned and shipwrecked. But there is a verse in the Bible that says God is good. And as we learn more about Him, His true nature, we can start to trust Him even in the things we don't understand. But we must place our life in his mighty hands. Job saw how mighty God was when God cared about Job enough to personally talk with him. Paul, in prison chains, could still give glory to God in song. When you can view your life from God’s perspective, then you can truly say “A Mighty Fortress is Our God”.
W2: (long pause- looking intensely into W1’s face, with sincerity) Thank you.
(women exit together)

Lucy, our Shield and Defender 
(with apologies to Charles Schultz)
Summary: Lucy helps God out in the "Shield and Defender" department.
C1- client 1
C2- client 2
C3- client 3
Setting: help-stand modeled after Lucy's psychology help-stand (Peanuts comic strip), only this one has "Shield and Defender" written on it.
Props: set of ear plugs; eyeglasses with lens painted black; child's toy telescope; box for nickels; shingle with "in" on one side and "out" on other side
(Lucy putting final touches on stand- neighbor walks onstage, watches Lucy for a moment)
Neighbor: Lucy, What are you doing?
Lucy: Helping God out. I figure so many people are asking for his help that he must be overwhelmed.
Neighbor:  (exits while muttering to himself) This can’t be good.
(Client 1 enters)
C1: Are you open?
Lucy: Yes. Oops! (hastily turns shingle from “out” side to “in” side- stands behind stand) What is the problem?
C1: I am battling depression over the way my life is going.
Lucy: Say no more. Depression comes from what you see and hear, so you need to wear these ear plugs and darkened glasses. (pulls items from behind stand)
That will be 5 cents please.
C1:  (taking items and inserting a nickel in box) But…
Lucy: (interrupting- looking offstage) Next!
(C1 shuffles dubiously offstage- client 2 enters)
C2: I am battling fear that my husband is going to leave me.
Lucy: Say no more. You leave him first. That way HE can’t leave YOU. That will be 5 cents, please.
C2: (inserts nickel) But…
Lucy: (interrupting- looking offstage) Next!
(C2 shuffles dubiously offstage- client 3 enters)
C3: I am facing a situation that is too big for me.
Lucy: Say no more. (rummages behind stand, brings out toy telescope) Only look through the end that makes everything smaller. That will be 5 cents please.
C3- (taking item- inserting nickel) But…
Lucy: Sorry, I’m closed. (walks around to front of stand and turns shingle to “out” side- C3 shuffles offstage)
Lucy: (looking up) You’re welcome. (exits, with box, looking pleased with herself)

Look at Me!
Note: This skit is intended to be done with modern dance movements, or even ballet.
Theme: We all have a longing to feel significant.
Synopsis: Three people search for significance.
Length: 5 minutes
Cast: following can be M/F  (costumes or no costumes- suggest no props)

Start of skit:
CARPENTER: [if dance, dances while saying lines and doing motions]
(enters and begins doing carpenter things such as sawing, hammering, measuring, etc., and occasionally saying:)
Look…at…me! (freezes with beseeching look on face, BUSINESS PERSON enters)
BUSINESS PERSON: [if dance, dances while saying lines and doing motions]
(enters and begins doing business things such as writing, filing, making copies, etc., and occasionally saying:)
Look…at…me! (freezes with beseeching look on face,  HOUSEWIFE enters)
HOUSEWIFE: [if dance, dances while saying lines and doing motions]
(enters and begins doing housecleaning things such as sweeping, mopping, ironing, etc., and occasionally saying:)
Look…at…me! (freezes with beseeching look on face)
(JESUS enters, goes to CARPENTER)
JESUS: (lovingly)
I see you. While you were still in the womb I knew you. [if dance, Jesus dances around person while saying lines]
(CARPENTER unfreezes and looks at JESUS for remainder of skit)
I see you. I died for you. [if dance, Jesus dances around person while saying lines]
(BUSINESS PERSON unfreezes and looks at JESUS for remainder of skit)
I see you. I will never leave you. [if dance, Jesus dances around person while saying lines]
(HOUSEWIFE unfreezes and looks at JESUS for remainder of skit)
(JESUS goes front center stage, faces audience, and says slowly while panning audience with his face:)
(JESUS goes front center stage, faces audience, and says slowly while panning audience with his face:)
Go…and…do…likewise. (exits)
(CARPENTER, BUSINESS PERSON, and HOUSEWIFE slowly circle each other, looking at each other and occasionally saying:)
End of skit

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